Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Internet Branding

Internet Branding: The 2006 Corporate Challenge
"Cheap" is losing its power as now "free" is in.
This is a very good article by Naseem Javed. I couldn’t agree more that corporations need some quick and serious cold water dips and come to the new online party. It certainly is time for a reality check. The article covers a recent study in which some 10,000 websites of the top businesses around the world were analyzed, stating “the results were alarming.” I think part of the problem is that many companies still do not utilize public relations basics to online branding. Instead they apply advertising models.

Full article link:

Dynamic Logic's Nick Nyhan on Internet Branding
Article link (interview) -

Want Branding With That?By Paul Bruemmer - September 16, 2005

Posted on behalf of AJ

Monday, March 13, 2006

Kingston MBA Alumni Guest Speakers Series

You are invited to attend the second session of the Kingston MBA Alumni Guest Speakers Series on Wednesday 15th March from 5.30 - 7:30 , Lawley Lecture Theatre, Kingston Hill Campus. Joe Tarragano

Theory and strategy versus experience and tactics: lessons from launching my

Joe talks about how useful the Kingston MBA was to him and his experiences with VCs, lessons on planning and practical implementation etc. Joe Tarragano’s career has included investment banking, publishing, IT consultancy and software marketing. He joined Kingston's part-time MBA course in 2000 and, after graduating with a distinction, founded his own company, a 'yellow pages' listing recommended service providers (such as plumbers and accountants) with feedback and ratings from users. The site grew to over 30,000 members in its first 3 months, was featured in the Sunday Times and the FT and secured venture capital backing. Joe is now launching an online offering for a consortium of national newspaper publishers.