Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What is the future for Internet Retail?

This report considers how internet retail may influence, on the future of the 'bricks and mortar' retailers. It conveys the effects of online retails rapid growth and acceptance. Find out if it is the end for high street retailers or if the future of consumer’s multi-channel ‘the best of both worlds’:

There are many thoughts surrounding what the future of retail is it, E-commerce or brick and mortar?

Some feel that the shopping experience and social factors of traditional retail stores will out last the threat of e-commerce; however, e-commerce offers many people ease and convenience. It is hard to predict what the future will hold:

Is click-and -mortar the future for online retail?
This article reveals predictions from the year 2000, when many dot-com companies were failing. It predicts a future for B2C sales and online, offline retailers will do the best, and only a few pure play companies will survive depending on their product categories. This is a good prediction however we can see today that many pure play companies are doing better than click and mortar in some product categories but this may still change:


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