Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Web Design News
Round Rock ad agency introduces ADA-compliant Web design
Review: Web Creation Made Easy
Interesting Articles:
A decade of good website design Chosen as one of the Top 10 Web Design Firms of the West
A Sample of Companies Advertising on the Internet
Who is the website aimed at?
Company websites should be consumer orientated and therefore be appropriately designed for the companies target market. For example Playstation games and accessories would be marketed to a customer base who want to see many bold screen shots/animations describing the games for sale. On the other hand someone wishing to use a search engine to look for a product would not particularly want unrelated pop up adverts etc on their screen, therefore a search engine such as google would be appropriate.

This website has a very colorful interface and has many activities making it interactive and user friendly. It is designed to be very easy to navigate through the site as it is aimed at the younger generation. The main page is sectioned into different services that Disney offer, each of the sections are accompanied with a cartoon image making it more visually easier to navigate. One of the services Disney offer is ‘Disney Mobile’. This is Disney’s marketing ploy as it will appeal to the children who are navigating through their site and will make the child want a special Disney mobile. Although it is mainly aimed at the younger generation it has a parental property to it. This property is a Disney credit card.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Web Design Academic Journals
What to keep in mind during Website creation.
A retrospective look at website accessibility over time:
Looking at the effects that technological advances have brought to web design over some years.
Does Interface Matter? A Study Of Web Authoring And Editing By Inexperienced Web Writers: Looks at how easy computer software is to use for the new web programmers.
Simplify Your Website:
Offers website design tips from Four Mangos Inc
Impact of website information design factors on consumer ratings of web-based auction sites.
Do design factors on auction websites influence people to bid?
A Theoretical Approach to Web Design in E-Commerce: A Belief Reinforcement Model.
Effective website design is crucial in attracting and maintaining customers'. As Websites are the leading channel for communication in e-business, we need to understand how websites may influence online shoppers' attitudes and behaviors towards that site.
Conflicting Viewpoints on Web Design:
Website design - Viewing the web as a cognitive landscape:
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Why do some Websites sell better than others?
Simple works
Web site designers can work wonders with graphics and colours and create some very professional looking websites. It is also important that they have some marketing knowledge too so that they include all key elements appear or not appear in some cases.
Features in successful web site design include:
- Background does not interrupt the text so that it is easy for the viewer to read
- Text is big enough to read, but not too big
- Navigation buttons and bars are easy to understand and use
- Pages download quickly
- First page and home page fit into 640 x 460 pixel space
- Light backgrounds with contrasting black or a dark colour font that is easy on the eye.
Stay clear from:
- Large graphics that take a long time to load
- Meaningless graphics
- Blinking text and animations that distract the user.
- Flashing Advertising banners
- Striking bold colours - a colour in one browser may look different/can be hard to read in another.
Below are some links to some well designed websites and also some contrasting poor websites and search engines:
Clear well designed websites:
Poorly designed websites:
Interesting and uniquely designed websites:
A Decade of Website Design

Here are Apple and Sony websites in 1996:
In 1998:
Over a decade of website development, this is how the websites look today:
To view other websites use the Way Back Machine to 'go back in time'.

Web Designers
For those that do not even have time to create their own web pages using various development tools, there are now thousands of businesses that design them for you at affordable prices.
Please check out the following links:
The above links can help in starting up your own business as they provide many other services alongside creating your web page.
Web Development Tools
By now we hope you have grasped a simple understanding of what goes on behind a web page and what languages they are written and designed in and how they can interact with the user.
But to be able to design your own web page you would need to fully understand the basics of web programming and would need a through understanding of HTML, JavaScript or XML.
Luckily, for those who do not have the time to learn the complexity of programming there are development tools available. These web application development platforms allow the user to input the information they require, allow them to choose a layout or background and choose a URL for themselves or their chosen business. This development environment enables you to create complex web applications quickly, simply and cost effectively.
The following links gives an insight into what development tools are available:
It’s amazing what you can do with paint in web pages. Check this link out for some very interesting designs.
Common Gateway Interface
Common Gateway Interface is a standard that allows information to be executed in real time, so it can output dynamic information. It allows information to be sent to the client (user) who has requested the relevant database (web page).
An example is when a user buys on-line through a shopping cart and goes to checkout, the information supplied from the user in the HTML web page is processed using JavaScript. The CGI Script allows this information to be sent to the supplier and allows an email to be sent to the user confirming their order.
These CGI Scripts can be written in the following languages: PERL, C, C++ or FORTRAN.
For more information follow this link:
XML - Enhanced Programming Language
For more info visit:
Source: Deitel, H. M, Deitel, P. J & Nieto, T. R, (2004), Internet & the World Wide Web: How to program, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall.
JavaScript - Interactivity with Web Pages
Before JavaScript was developed, web pages were just static HTML which meant that there was a constant state text file that did not change. Information could not be extracted from the webpage so there was no interactivity between the user and the webpage. But JavaScript allowed the web page to take the users information when entered into the HTML form and process it. Basically JavaScript has helped control the browser, allowed the user to interact with the webpage and dynamically create HTML content.
JavaScript also works alongside DOM (document object model) which creates objects on the web page. JavaScript controls these objects. There is client side and server side JavaScript. This makes it easier to allow a programmer to write in one language rather than having to learn other languages.
JavaScript resembles other programming languages like C, C++, BASIC and Java. Many people think that JavaScript is an extension of Java but JavaScript was originally called LiveScript and was changed to JavaScript last minute as a marketing ploy to raise awareness. Java is in fact very different from JavaScript although they work very well together. JavaScript can control the browser and content but can not draw graphics. Java on the other-hand can draw graphics superbly but can not control the browser.
For a more detailed description, please visit:
Source: Flanagan, D, JavaScript, The Definitive Guide, (2002) Fourth Edition, O’Reilly.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
HTML The Language of the Web
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is used to create web pages.
With HTML code and the World Wide Web it enables people to bring together text, pictures, sounds and links on a web page. HTML code files are in plain text and therefore can be composed and edited on any computer, Windows, Mac, UNIX etc.
A web browser reads an HTML page from a remote web server then displays a formatted page to the viewer.
The source HTML for any webpage can be viewed by clicking 'View' on the menu bar and then click on 'Source'. This then shows all of the HTML tags used to create the webpage. You could even try this on this webpage!
Below is a link to some HTML codes including some simple HTML excercises you can try:
A webpage can be created using HTML by downloading the HTML KIT from the following website.
How the World Wide Web started

History of the Web
The Web was born at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva 1989 and was invented by Englishman
Tim Berners-Lee
He believed that there was "a need for a collaborative knowledge-sharing tool" to support scientific work in an international context.
Later in 1994 the Mosaic browser computer program transformed the Internet from an academic tool into a telecommunications revolution.
The World Wide Web is now part of the modern communications landscape with thousands of servers providing information to millions of users, grown under the guidance of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C is a volunteer organisation based at Massachusetts Institution of Technology (MIT) and has the responsibility for developing and maintaining common standards.
The next important development was the development of graphical browsers in the early 90s.
Beginning with NCSA'S Mosaic and onto Netscape's Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer
These browsers provided a user friendly environment to surf the internet and marked the beginning of the true web revolution!
First web browser 1993:
Web Design
The web design blog will cover the history to the present of web design and include some useful and interesting links to websites.
We shall also be looking at some academic journals, future developments, updates on web design and showing you how websites are created..
Gurdeep, Louise, Andreas and George.