Tuesday, March 27, 2007

eCRM Academic Journals

Here are some academic journals on eCRM:

The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Web Site Characteristics
Authors: Assion Lawson-Body & Moez Limayem, July 2004
Context: This paper discusses the impact of characteristics of websites on the relationship between customer relationship management and customer loyalty in which the data has been comprised from 170 Canadian IT organisations. It showed that there is a strong correlation between CRM and customer loyalty and agrees that using the Internet to support CRM increases customer loyalty.
Source: http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol9/issue4/lawson_body.html

Adaptive learning and proactive customer relationship management
Authors: Baohong Sun, Shibo Li, Catherine Zhou
Context: This paper discuss the CRM methods that firms can introduce in order to get profitable customers and introduces two key themes of "adaptive-learning" & "proactive" CRM decisions.
Source: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/113508002/ABSTRACT

When Customer Relationship Management meets Data Mining
Authors: Venkatesh Shankar and Russell S. Winer
Context: $5.7bn of CRM software applications were sold in 2005 and expected to rise to $11.2bn by 2010. CRM is closely related to data mining. Data mining is processing large volumes of data to find relationships and patterns, and generally useful information.By bringing together data mining and CRM, this creates powerful tools for CRM strategy creation.
Source: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/113507996/PDFSTART

Customer relationship management in financial services: towards information-enabled relationship marketing
Authors: Lynette Ryals, Adrian Payne
Context: CRM is becoming more and more important for business and this paper examines this for the financial services sector
Source: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/content/a4h6xk6m7y8apubt/


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